A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic Best broker to use? in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 4 months ago
Okay, what I was asking was on the Hard To Borrow application form, they ask for a “threshold” percentage. My understanding is that they want to know what is the maximum percentage rate you are willing to pay for borrowing fees, and it further explains that the hard to borrow rate can quickly exceed 100% of the value of a security under certain…[Read more]
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic Best broker to use? in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 4 months ago
What percentage do you use for the threshold rate on the HTB form?
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic Best broker to use? in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 4 months ago
Seth, why does TDA allow YOU to short UVXY and TVIX when they don’t for myself and many others? Is it because of the size of your account? If so, do you know the cutoff or eligibility point?
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic Best broker to use? in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 4 months ago
I am with TD Ameritrade. They only allow me to short VXX. With IB you may get your short shares called in prematurely. From what I hear, E-Trade is pretty good. They DO have periods where they don’t allow the shorting of leveraged volatility products, usually during vol storms, but they are not known for calling in shares early either.
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic What's your 2018 price target for BBBY? in the forum Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY) 6 years, 4 months ago
I had been intrigued by the attractive P/E, but It does kind of look like the market will not let this particular stock trade at a normal P/E of even a 12 or so until they become convinced the floor has been installed and numbers start an upward trend. I was hoping that the company situation had already been factored into the pricing as one major…[Read more]
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic What's your 2018 price target for BBBY? in the forum Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY) 6 years, 4 months ago
Last night 09/26/18 was earnings reporting and it was disappointing, coming in at .36 instead of 50 cents. The company claims that this was within its model, albeit at the low end. The stock is getting crushed today, down over 23% deep into the $14s.
The company is in the middle of a three-year turnaround plan that projects a continued downtrend…[Read more]
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic What's your 2018 price target for BBBY? in the forum Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY) 6 years, 6 months ago
To me it would seem like the decline has indeed stabilized, for the record and a follow-up to my previous post about 6 weeks ago the stock went down -3.82% the day after the earnings report on 06/27/18.
There was significant volatility which of course is typical, with it being down as much as -10.26% intraday, but the stock quickly rebounded and…[Read more]
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic What's your 2018 price target for BBBY? in the forum Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY) 6 years, 7 months ago
Well, I qualified for the dividend which will be a nice paycheck next month, ( 07/17/18 ) but after seeing these day after ER numbers, I think I will sell off before Earnings Reporting which is after market close, June 27, 2018. I am willing to risk losing one-day upside potential to avoid numbers like these, and can always buy back…[Read more]
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic What's your 2018 price target for BBBY? in the forum Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY) 6 years, 8 months ago
I notice they have just named a new President and also a new CFO and the stock price is starting to move upward on this news.
I had been making some money trading in and out of this stock because I felt that it was in a range that was beneficial to day-trading, but when it has an upside breakout like this I get nervous.
It has been good for me…[Read more]
A.J. Thrasher posted an update 6 years, 9 months ago
Anyone have any thoughts on the theory that Canadian Marijuana stocks will see a pop from the expected vote to legalize in early June? Market caps generally look very high to me ( No pun intended ) but given the growth potential, there seems to be justification for that.
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic Finom trade alerts (tenuous Twitter link) in the forum Twitter (TWTR) 6 years, 9 months ago
Yeah Mike,
You definitely need to be nimble to take advantage of the pre and post market trades. We have been getting quite a few executions outside of normal trading hours and I would expect more of the same moving forward. I’ve never had an account over at IB but I’ve heard some bad things about them, especially that they can call in your…[Read more]
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic Finom trade alerts (tenuous Twitter link) in the forum Twitter (TWTR) 6 years, 9 months ago
I’m fairly new as a subscriber too but I’ve been following Seth and reading his articles for quite some time now. I can personally attest that Seth is a very talented trader, especially in the retail sector. I mean…This guy is literally driving around on Black Friday not shopping, but actually counting cars in retail parking lots!In…[Read more]
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic Trump tanking Amazon? in the forum Amazon Retail 6 years, 10 months ago
It is being reported that many people in Trump’s circles have been complaining to him about Amazon and want action so I’d assume that there is a strong chance for just that.
Even the other giant retailers have had to close down stores and are losing sales to Amazon so you’d have to figure with all of that influence lined up that something has to…[Read more]
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic Price predictions for vxx/uvxy/tvix in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 10 months ago
<<Anyone knows where I can get pre-split charts on long vol products like VXX?>>
Also, you can use the custom date range feature on the charts over at Yahoo Finance to in effect create your own charts. They will still account for splits, but at least it will allow you to zoom-in on the spikes or any other time period you would like to analyze.
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic Price predictions for vxx/uvxy/tvix in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 10 months ago
I don’t know why you would want a chart that didn’t account for the splits, but I find useful information at https://www.stocksplithistory.com that may help you calculate what you are looking for.
Some people claim that had VXX existed during the global financial crises of 2008, it would have gone up over 500%, I don’t know how accurate that is…[Read more]
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic 50-30-20 Volatility Strategy in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 10 months ago
The math does seem suspicious in the sense that you would have to be one hell of a day-trader with your 30% in order to keep adding to the core-short in the amounts suggested in the paper. You can’t keep adding to the short side if you don’t have multiples on the outside in order to comfortably hold the position.
But faulty math aside, is the…[Read more]
A.J. Thrasher replied to the topic 50-30-20 Volatility Strategy in the forum UVXY, TVIX, VXX, XIV, SVXY, VIXY, VMAX, VMIN 6 years, 10 months ago
I’ve tried to remove the topic after learning the method wouldn’t hold up very well in an environment like the recent/current one, but unfortunately unless I’m missing something there is no option to delete or edit our posts on this particular forum board 🙁
A.J. Thrasher became a registered member 7 years, 1 month ago