
A financial market resource for the every-day investor and trader.
Macro Strategy—QT Kicks into Second Gear: Financial conditions are likely to remain under pressure as the Federal Reserve’s (Fed)...
Cross-Asset Strategy: The growth-policy tradeoff appears set to improve in 2H, and earnings revisions turned broadly positive in key...
Earlier this month, Target released its Q4 2017 results alongside 2018 guidance. The release brought with it selling pressure...
After a 5-month long downtrend in market volatility and an exceptional rally off of the March lows, it has...
Equity Risk Premium holds key inputs/ingredients After major market sell-offs, it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve lower-lows. They are...
“Time in the market” is only a benefit if the market is heading in a positive direction. Otherwise, idleness...
Top 5 Reasons We Hear From Investors for Being/Becoming Bearish on Equities “Wake me up when these are bigger...
There are two more trading weeks remaining in the Q1 2019 period. The S&P 500 (SPX) is up some...
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