Welcome back Finom Group investors and traders! A 3-week decline and then a 3-week rally; what does it mean? From a big picture 🏞 perspective it means a lot of chop and slop with respect to price action. Go ahead and type that phrase in the finomgroup.com search engine to reveal that is precisely what we had formerly anticipated as…
The Bull-Bear Stock Market Battle Wages Onward: Data-Heavy Week Ahead
A financial market resource for the every-day investor and trader.
The Momentum Continued Through Q1 2024…
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
As we construct this weekend’s macro-market Research Report, the February Personal Income & Expenditures (PCE) data has been released....
Weekly State of the Market: It Ain’t Perfect, But It Ain’t A Recession
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
The big money is made in waiting and simplicity. Not in overactivity and complexity. ~Brian G of Alphacharts You...
Weekly State of the Market: 11/6/2020
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 1
Welcome to this week’s State of the Markets with Wayne Nelson and Seth Golden. Please click the following link to review this week’s SOTM. In...
Shorting Volatility Affords Multiple Opportunities
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
The last few weeks have been quite turbulent for volatility traders with swings in the VIX of greater than...
Weekly State of the Market: Overheated Markets And Opportunities
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Market participants can access data points; access is NOT the struggle. The struggle is in the SEQUENCING of data...
Weekly State of the Market: Houston, We Have Tailwinds
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
“The speculator fights his own good sense, struggles against his own will … and is at odds with his...
An Easing Cycle Begins: Tactical Approach For Investors And Traders Alike
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
Welcome Finom Group investors and traders! During our off-reporting weekend, we offer the latest insights and analysis from Wall...
Morgan Stanley Weekly Warm-up: This Is Not QE; Focus on the Fundamentals
Seth Golden, , Research Reports, 0
With the back-stopping of bank deposits by the Fed/FDIC, many equity investors are asking if this is another form...
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